How Do I Make WordPress Not Show the Full Post?

There are a few different ways to make WordPress not show the full post in the Recent Posts section.

The easiest way is to use the filters in the WordPress admin. To do this, go to the WordPress admin and click on the Posts tab.

Then, under the Recent Posts section, click on the Add New Filter button. .

In the Add New Filter window, you will need to enter the following code:

function wp_hide_post_full_title() { return ‘No full post title'; }

Once you have entered the code, click on the Save Filter button. This will add the filter to the Recent Posts section and it will be enabled.

If you want to disable the filter, simply click on the Delete Filter button and the code will be removed.

The second way to make WordPress not show the full post in the Recent Posts section is to use the shortcode. To do this, first find the shortcode you want to use and then go to the WordPress admin and click on the Appearance tab.

Then, under the Theming section, click on the Add New Theming Item button.

In the Add New Theming Item window, you will need to enter the following code:

[recent_posts filter=”wp_hide_post_full_title”]

Once you have entered the code, click on the Save Theming Item button. This will add the shortcode to the Theming section and it will be enabled.

To disable the shortcode, simply click on the Delete Theming Item button and the code will be removed.

The third way to make WordPress not show the full post in the Recent Posts section is to use the function. To do this, first find the function you want to use and then go to the WordPress admin and click on the Plugins tab.

Then, under the Add New Plugin button, click on the Upload Files button.

In the Upload Files window, you will need to enter the following code:

Once you have entered the code, click on the Upload Files button. This will add the function to the Plugin section and it will be enabled.

To disable the function, simply click on the Delete Plugin button and the code will be removed.

The fourth way to make WordPress not show the full post in the Recent Posts section is to use the shortcode and the function. To do this, first find the shortcode you want to use and then go to the WordPress admin and click on the Shortcodes tab.

Then, under the Shortcodes section, click on the Add New Shortcode button.

In the Add New Shortcode window, you will need to enter the following code:

[recent_posts filter=”(wp_hide_post_full_title())”]

Once you have entered the code, click on the Save Shortcode button. This will add the shortcode to the Shortcodes section and it will be enabled.

To disable the shortcode, simply click on the Delete Shortcode button and the code will be removed.

The final way to make WordPress not show the full post in the Recent Posts section is to use the function and the shortcode. To do this, first find the function you want to use and then go to the WordPress admin and click on the Functions tab.

Then, under the Functions section, click on the Add New Function button.

In the Add New Function window, you will need to enter the following code:

Once you have entered the code, click on the Save Function button. This will add the function to the Functions section and it will be enabled.

To disable the function, simply click on the Delete Function button and the code will be removed.

Once you have disabled one or more of the ways to make WordPress not show the full post in the Recent Posts section, the posts will still show the full post title in the Posts section.