How Do I Make WordPress Lazy Load?

Adding lazy loading to your WordPress website can help to speed up load times by loading only the necessary content for users who are currently viewing it. To enable lazy loading, you first need to create a file called wp-config.php and add the following line to it:

define( ‘WP_Lazy_Load’, true );

Now you need to add a variable to your WordPress theme or plugin to hold the lazy loading information. You can do this by opening your theme or plugin file and adding the following line:

$ WP_Lazy_Load = true;

Next, you need to add a function to your theme or plugin that will lazy load your content. The function can be named anything you want, but the easiest way to do this is to create a new file called lazyload.php and add the following code:

function lazyload() { if (!$WP_Lazy_Load) { $WP_Lazy_Load = true; } }

Finally, you need to add the lazy loading function to your WordPress theme or plugin in the functions.php file. To do this, open your file and add the following line:

function lazyload() { if (!$WP_Lazy_Load) { $WP_Lazy_Load = true; } } add_action( ‘wp_loaded’, ‘lazyload’);

Now your content will be loaded automatically only if it is needed by the user. If you want to disable lazy loading completely, you can remove the line that defines WP_Lazy_Load in your wp-config.

php file.