How Do I Make Someone an Admin in WordPress Database?

Assuming that you want to make someone an admin in your WordPress database, the first step is to create a new user account and set its permissions. In the WordPress Dashboard, go to Users and GroUPS, click on the Add User button, and fill out the form.

In the Username field, type the user’s name, and in the Email field, type the user’s email address. Make sure that the user has the edit_posts and edit_pages permissions.

Next, go to the WordPress database section of the Dashboard and click on the Admin Users link. This will take you to the Admin Users page, which will list the user accounts that are currently configured as administrators. Click on the link next to the user you want to make an admin, and you’ll be taken to the Edit User Profile page.

On this page, you’ll need to fill out the Admin Password and Admin Email fields. Make sure that the user has the read_only permission set for the WordPress database.

Finally, click on the Update Profile button, and you’ll be taken to the confirmation page. Click on the Update Profile button, and you’ll be taken to the confirmation page.

Click on the Save Profile button, and you’ll be taken to the WordPress dashboard.