How Do I Make Rows and Columns in WordPress?

Making rows and columns in WordPress is simple. To create a row, use the word “row” followed by the number of columns you would like the row to span. For example, to create a row of three columns, use “row 3″. To create a column, use the word “column” followed by the number of rows you would like the column to span.

For example, to create a column spanning the first and second rows, use “column 1 2″. To create a column spanning the third and fourth rows, use “column 3 4″. .

To create a row spanning multiple columns, use the word “row” followed by the number of columns you would like the row to span, followed by a comma, followed by the word “and”. For example, to create a row spanning the first and second columns, use “row 1, and 2″.

To create a row spanning the third and fourth columns, use “row 3, and 4″.

To create a column spanning multiple rows, use the word “column” followed by the number of rows you would like the column to span, followed by a comma, followed by the word “and”. For example, to create a column spanning the first and second rows, use “column 1, and 2″.

To create a column spanning the third and fourth rows, use “column 3, and 4″.