How Do I Make My WordPress Site More Secure?

Secure WordPress sites take many different forms and can involve a variety of different technologies and practices. This overview provides an overview of some common security measures you can take to make your WordPress site more secure.

1. Use a Secure Server

Your WordPress site’s security depends on the security of the server on which it is hosted. Make sure you choose a secure server provider and use a secure connection when connecting to your site.

2. Use a Secure Method of Authentication

WordPress sites require a username and password to be authenticated in order to access them. You can use a variety of secure authentication methods, such as 2-factor authentication, to ensure that only authorized users can access your site.

3. Keep Your Site up-to-Date

Regularly update your WordPress site’s software to ensure that it is updated with the latest security patches and malware protection. This will help protect your site from attack and ensure that your data is safe.

4. Use a Secure Password

Make sure your WordPress site’s password is secure. Use a complex password that is not easily guessed or found on the internet.

5. Use a Secure Theme

Choose a secure theme that is designed to protect your site’s data and security. Many secure themes are available with authentication features that protect your site’s data from unauthorized access.


Making your WordPress site more secure requires a mix of technical and organizational measures. Use a secure server, use a secure authentication method, and keep your site up to date with the latest security patches.

Choose a secure theme that provides added security for your site’s data.