How Do I Make My Page Title Bigger in WordPress?

Making Your Page Title Bigger in WordPress

There are a few ways to make your page title bigger in WordPress. One way is to use the wp_title() function.

The wp_title() function takes a title as its only parameter, and will return the title as a string. You can use the wp_title() function to increase the size of the page title by including it in the head section of your WordPress document.

Another way to make your page title bigger in WordPress is to use the post_title() function. The post_title() function takes the post’s slug, or the slug of the post’s parent post, as its only parameter.

The post_title() function will return the post’s title as a string. You can use the post_title() function to increase the size of the page title by including it in the post’s header.

You can also use the title attribute of the tag to increase the size of the page title. The title attribute of the tag is a text field that is typically used to provide a title for the page.

You can include the title attribute in the head section of your WordPress document, or you can use the title attribute to add the title of the post to the page’s title.

All of these methods of making the page title bigger in WordPress will result in a larger title on the page. However, the most reliable way to make the page title bigger in WordPress is to use the post_title() and wp_title() functions together.

When you use the post_title() function and the wp_title() function together, WordPress will automatically increase the size of the page title by using the post_title() function to replace the post’s slug with the title, and then using the wp_title() function to return the title as a string. This combination of functions will result in the largest possible title for the page.