How Do I Make My Menu Bar Responsive in WordPress?

Making your WordPress menu bar responsive is as simple as adding a few lines of code. To do this, open up your WordPress admin area and go to the “Menus” tab.

There, you’ll want to click on the “Add new menu” button and give your menu a name (in this example, we’ll call ours “responsive”).

Next, we’ll want to add a few lines of code to our menu. To do this, first paste the following code into your WordPress admin area:

Finally, we’ll want to add a line of code to the “active” field of our menu item. This tells WordPress which menu item is currently being viewed.

That’s all there is to it! Your menu bar should now be responsive. If you want to make sure it’s working properly, you can open up a new browser window and type in the URL for your menu item.

If everything looks good, you should see the “responsive” menu item appear on the new browser window.


Making your WordPress menu bar responsive is a simple task that can help improve the user experience on your website. By adding a few lines of code, you can have your menu bar adapt to different screen sizes and orientations, making it easier for your visitors to navigate your site.