How Do I Make Collapsible Sections in WordPress?

Making collapsible sections in WordPress is a breeze. All you need to do is add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function collapsible_sections() {

global $post;

$section = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘section’, true);

if ( !$section ) {

$section = ‘0’;


$collapsible = array(

‘title’ => $section,

‘max-height’ => $section === ‘max-height’ ? $section : ‘auto’,

‘min-height’ => $section === ‘min-height’ ? $section : ‘auto’,

‘displaying’ => $section,

‘collapsed’ => $section


return $collapsible;

To create a collapsible section, you first need to get the post meta information for the post you want to collapsible section. This information is found in the post’s ID, as well as the key “section”.

If the section information is not present, then the section will be set to 0.

Once you have this information, you can create an array of variables to hold the information for the collapsible section. The first variable is the title of the section. The next variable is the maximum height of the section. The next variable is the minimum height of the section.

The last variable is the displaying variable, which tells WordPress whether or not the section is currently visible. The last variable is the collapsed variable, which tells WordPress whether or not the section is currently collapsed.

Finally, you return the collapsible array. WordPress will use this information to create the collapsible section in the posts list.