How Do I Make an Animated GIF in WordPress?

Making an animated GIF in WordPress is pretty easy. First, you’ll want to create a new file in your WordPress theme’s assets folder. In this file, you’ll need to create a new image file.

For this example, we’ll use an image called “Gif.png.”.

Next, you’ll want to create a new file in your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. In this file, you’ll need to add the following code:

function gif_animate($time, $args) { $ gif = new Gif(); $ gif->setInterval(100); $ gif->setData(array( “width” => 800, “height” => 600, “frame_rate” => 30, )); return $gif; }

In this code, we’re creating a new instance of the Gif class, setting its interval (in milliseconds) and data properties. We’re also setting the width and height of the GIF, as well as its frame_rate (in frames per second).

Finally, we return the newly created GIF object.

Now, you’ll want to add the gif_animate() function to your theme’s functions.

After doing so, you’ll need to add the following line to your theme’s header.php file:.

add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘gif_animate’);

Finally, you’ll need to add a link to the gif_animate() function in your theme’s header. After doing so, you’ll be ready to start creating your animated GIFs!.