How Do I Make a Title Dynamic in WordPress?

Creating a title dynamic within WordPress can be a fun and easy way to keep your site’s content fresh and engaging for your audience. By using a simple title widget and a few customizations, you can create a system that automatically updates your site’s title whenever you make changes to your post’s content.

To get started, first install the Title Dynamic plugin from the WordPress plugin repository. Once the plugin is installed, go to the Settings page and enter your site’s title in the Title Dynamic field.

Next, click the Add New Title button and enter the post’s content in the text field. WordPress will automatically generate a title for your post based on the text you entered.

To make your title dynamic, simply click the Update Title button whenever you make any changes to your post’s content. WordPress will automatically update the title for your post based on the new content.

This system is great for keeping your site’s title fresh and engaging for your audience.