How Do I Make a Rental Car Page on WordPress?

Creating a rental car page on WordPress is a relatively easy task. The first step is to create a directory for your rental car listings. Next, create a new theme or use an existing theme and add a custom post type for rental car listings.

Next, add a custom post type filter to your theme to allow you to select which rental car companies you want to display. Finally, create your rental car pages and fill out the required information.

To create a directory for your rental car listings, create a directory in your WordPress site’s root directory called “rentalcars”. In this directory, create a file called “wp-config.php” and add the following line to it:

define( ‘WP_RENTALCARS’, true );

Next, create a file called “wp-content/plugins/rentalcars/functions.php” and add the following line to it:

function rentalcars_init() {


Now, you can use the rentalcars_init() function to add rental car listings to your WordPress site. To do this, you’ll first need to create a new rental car company. To do this, go to http://www.alamo.

com and create a new rental car company. Once you’ve created your new rental car company, enter the company name and ID into the rentalcars_init() function.

Next, you’ll need to create a new rental car listing. To do this, go to your company’s website and create a new rental car listing.

You can use the rentalcars_init() function to create the rental car listing, or you can use the WordPress built-in rental car listing plugin.

To add a rental car listing to your WordPress site, you’ll first need to copy the rentalcar listing template into your WordPress site’s “wp-content/plugins/rentalcars/templates” directory. Next, add the rentalcar listing to your WordPress site using the WordPress built-in rental car listing plugin.

Finally, enter the rental car listing information into the rentalcars_init() function.

Once you’ve added your rental car listings to your WordPress site, you’ll need to add a custom post type filter to your theme to allow you to select which rental car companies you want to display. To do this, go to your WordPress theme’s ” functions.php” file and add the following line to it:

add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘rentalcars_content’ );

Next, add the rentalcars_content filter to your WordPress theme’s ” functions.php” file and add the following code to it:

function rentalcars_content() {

$args = array(

‘regency_id’ => get_the_ID(),

‘company_name’ => get_the_company_name(),

‘marketing_name’ => get_the_company_name(),

‘latitude’ => get_the_latitude(),

‘longitude’ => get_the_longitude(),

‘url’ => get_the_url(),

‘type’ => ‘rentalcar’,

‘status’ => ‘active’,

‘return_url’ => get_the_return_url(),

‘status_text’ => ‘Active’,

‘price_text’ => ”,

‘deposit_amount’ => ”


return wp_list_pages( $args );

Now, you can add the rentalcars_content filter to your WordPress theme’s ” functions.php” file and add the following code to it:

function rentalcars_.