How Do I Make a Picture Not Downloadable in WordPress?

Making a picture not downloadable in WordPress is not as difficult as one might think. In fact, there are a few simple steps that can be followed to achieve the desired outcome.

The first step is to determine the file type of the picture that you would like to exclude. Most pictures that are not intended for public viewing are typically in .jpg or .

png format. If the picture is in another format, it may still be possible to exclude it from being downloaded, but it will require a little more work.

The next step is to determine the file location of the picture. WordPress will automatically look for pictures that are located in the uploads directory.

If the picture is not located in this directory, then it will need to be located elsewhere on the website.

Once the file location and file type have been determined, the last step is to disable the picture from being downloaded by adding the following code to the head of the document:

Once this code has been added, the picture will not be downloadable by visitors.