How Do I Make a Photo Slider in WordPress?

Making a photo slider in WordPress is easy. In fact, it’s one of the most common WordPress themes and plugin modifications.

There are many different ways to make a photo slider, but the most basic is to use a WordPress drag and drop plugin like Slider Revolution or Thumbs Up.

Once you have your plugin installed, create a new page in your WordPress site. You’ll want to give this page a name like “Photo Slider” or “Photo Gallery.

” You’ll also want to give this page a unique slug (like “photo-slider”).

Now, you’ll want to create a new theme or plugin file. In this file, you’ll want to create a new class called “PhotoSlider.

” This class will contain all of the code necessary to create a photo slider.

In the “PhotoSlider” class, you’ll want to add the following code:

Next, you’ll want to add the following lines of code to your “photo-slider.php” file:

slides = count($this->slides); // Get the current slide. $this->current_slide = $this->slides[0]; } public function get_current_slide() { return $this->current_slide; } public function set_current_slide(int $slide) { $this->current_slide = $slide; } public function start_slideshow() { // Start the slideshow. $this->slideshow(); } public function stop_slideshow() { // Stop the slideshow. $this->slideshow(false); } }.

In the “PhotoSlider” class, you’ll also want to add the following functions:

public function slideshow() { // Start the slideshow. $this->slideshow(false); }

Finally, you’ll want to add the following line of code to your “wp-config.php” file:

defined( ‘WP_PLUGIN’ ) or die( ‘Error: No plugin named “PhotoSlider” found.’ );

Now, you’ll need to add a few lines of code to your “wp-content/themes/yourtheme/photo-slider.php” file to enable the “PhotoSlider” theme plugin:

That’s it! Your photo slider is now ready to use. You can add photos, adjust the slideshow speed, and more. Just remember to include the “photo-slider.

php” file and the “wp-config.php” file from your theme.