How Do I Make a Horizontal Scroll in WordPress?

Making a horizontal scroll in WordPress is a fairly simple process. To begin, create a new page in your blog using the WordPress editor. Next, add a div element to the page using the


Inside the div, add a

    tag to hold your scroll content. Finally, add a
  • tag to each
      element, and specify the scroll direction using the id attribute. For example, to create a scroll that scrolls left to right, use the following code:.

      • horizontal scroll left

      • horizontal scroll left

    • horizontal scroll right

    • horizontal scroll right

      To scroll the content, add the following line of code to your theme’s functions.php file:

      $(‘#scrollLeft’).scroll(200, 0);

      $(‘#scrollRight’).scroll(0, 200);

      This will scroll the left and right items 200 pixels to the right and 0 pixels to the left, respectively. Alternatively, you can use the following code to scroll the content in one direction only:

      $(‘#scrollLeft’).scroll(0, -200);

      $(‘#scrollRight’).scroll(200, 0);.