How Do I Make a Document Library in WordPress?

Making a document library in WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, create a new folder in your WordPress site and name it “documents.

” Then, inside that folder, create a new file called “index.php” and paste the following code into it:.

2, ‘type’ => ‘category’ ); wp_get_archives( $args ); } ?>

This code simply sets up a function to get archives of posts from your site. Next, create a new file called “library.php” and paste the following code into it:

2, ‘type’ => ‘category’ ); wp_get_archives( $args ); } ?>

This code sets up a cache for the “library” folder. This will make it faster to load the documents in that folder.

Next, create a new file called “default.

2, ‘type’ => ‘category’ ); wp_get_archives( $args ); } ?> 0, ‘type’ => ‘post’, ‘orderby’ => ‘date’ ); wp_get_archives( $args ); ?>

This code sets up the main functions for the library. First, it checks to see if the “wp_get_archives” function exists. If it doesn’t, it sets up the function and inputs the arguments. Next, it sets up a function to get posts from the current date range.

Finally, it calls the “wp_get_archives” function with the arguments it set up. That’s all there is to it! You can now add documents to your library by simply clicking on the “library” folder in your WordPress site and uploading the files you want to include.