How Do I Link Next Post in WordPress?

When it comes to linking next post in WordPress, there are a few different ways to go about it. One way is to use the WordPress link shortener, bit.

ly. Once you’ve copied the link, you can add it to your post or sidebar using the “Add a Link” button. .

Alternatively, you can use the WordPress “Link to This Post” function. To use this function, first find your post’s slug (the unique identifier that WordPress assigns to each post) and then enter the slug into the “Link to This Post” field.

Finally, enter the URL of the post you want to link to.

If you want to link to a specific section of your post, you can use the “Link to a Specific Post” function. To use this function, first find your post’s slug and then enter the slug into the “Link to a Specific Post” field.

Next, enter the URL of the section of your post you want to link to.

If you want to link to a specific paragraph in your post, you can use the “Link to a Paragraph” function. To use this function, first find your post’s slug and then enter the slug into the “Link to a Paragraph” field.

Next, enter the URL of the paragraph you want to link to.

If you want to link to a specific sentence in your post, you can use the “Link to a Sentence” function. To use this function, first find your post’s slug and then enter the slug into the “Link to a Sentence” field.

Next, enter the URL of the sentence you want to link to.

Finally, if you want to link to a specific block of text in your post, you can use the “Link to a Block of Text” function. To use this function, first find your post’s slug and then enter the slug into the “Link to a Block of Text” field.

Next, enter the URL of the block of text you want to link to.

Once you’ve linked next post in WordPress, be sure to include a link back to your original post. You can do this by entering the “Link to This Post” field and pasting the URL of your original post.

You can also add a “More from” link to your original post, which will take readers to other posts in your blog that are related to the one they’re looking at.

If you want to add a more detailed description of your post, you can use the “Description” field to add a longer description. You can also use the “Tags” field to add a list of tags to your post.

Tags are a great way to categorize your posts and make it easier for readers to find the posts they’re looking for.

Finally, if you want to add a photo to your post, you can use the “Photo” field to add a photo. You can also use the “Link to a Photo” function to add a link to a photo outside of WordPress.

Once you’ve added all the information you want to your post, be sure to click the “Publish Post” button to publish it. To use this function, first find your post’s slug and then enter the slug into the “Link to a Paragraph” field.