How Do I Know if My WordPress Site Is in Maintenance Mode?

If you notice that your WordPress site is not performing as well as it used to, it might be in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is a temporary state that WordPress puts websites in to keep them running smoothly. There are a few different things you can look for to determine if your WordPress site is in maintenance mode:

Your site is not loading as quickly as it used to.

Your site is having trouble logging in or logging out.

Your site is having trouble finding posts or pages.

Your site is having trouble uploading or downloading files.

Your site is having trouble creating or editing posts or pages.

Your site is having trouble finding plugins or themes.

Your site is having trouble commenting on posts or leaving feedback.

Your site is having trouble creating new posts or pages.

If you notice any of the above problems, it might be time to call in a WordPress expert to help you out.