How Do I Keep a Post at the Top on WordPress?

If you have a post that consistently ranks at the top of your WordPress blog, it can be difficult to keep it there. There are a few things you can do to help ensure your post stays at the top of the search results, no matter what people are searching for.

1. Use Keyword Phrases

One way to help your post stay at the top is to use keyword phrases in your post. When people search for specific information, including topics related to your blog, using key word phrases will help your post show up as a result.

2. Make Sure Your Posts are Updated Regularly

It’s also important to make sure your posts are up to date. If a new post about your topic is published, WordPress will consider that post to be the top result for that keyword phrase.

If your post isn’t updated regularly, it may lose its ranking.

3. Use Thumbnails

Another way to help your post rank higher is to use thumbnails. When people click on a post to read it, WordPress will display a thumbnail that represents the post’s content.

If your post doesn’t have a thumbnail, people may not bother to click on it. Including a thumbnail in your post can help increase its ranking.

4. Use Other SEO Techniques

If you’re using other SEO techniques, make sure you’re using them in a way that benefits your post’s ranking. For example, using keywords in your title can help your post rank higher, but using keywords in the wrong places can have the opposite effect.


While it’s important to keep your posts updated and to use keywords in a way that benefits your blog’s ranking, using these tips alone may not be enough to keep your post at the top of the search results. You may also need to invest time and resources into SEO.