How Do I Install WordPress on Plesk Milesweb?

Assuming you have a Plesk server with the WordPress plugin installed, the following instructions will show you how to install WordPress on your Milesweb server.

To begin, open the Plesk Manager and locate the server you want to install WordPress on.

Click the “Tools” menu and select “Site Configuration”.

On the “Site Configuration” page, scroll down to the “WordPress” section and click the “Install WordPress” button.

Plesk will prompt you for the WordPress root directory. Type in the WordPress root directory on your Milesweb server and click the “Install” button.

Once WordPress is installed, you will see the “WordPress” icon in the “Site Configuration” menu. You can now configure and activate WordPress on your Milesweb server.

To conclude, installing WordPress on your Milesweb server is easy and requires only a few simple steps. Once installed, you can configure and activate WordPress on your Milesweb server.