How Do I Install WordPress on AWS?

WordPress is a popular content management system that enables you to create a website or blog on your own or with the help of a third-party platform. WordPress is easy to install on AWS, and the platform provides a wealth of tools and resources to help you get started.

To install WordPress on AWS, follow these steps:

1. Sign up for an AWS account. If you don’t have an AWS account, you can sign up for a free trial at AWS.

2. Download the WordPress installer.

The installer is a compressed file that you can download from

3. Extract the installer.

You will need to extract the installer to access the files that it contains. On Windows, you can extract the installer by opening the file in a file explorer and clicking the “Extract All” button. On Mac and Linux, you can extract the installer by opening the file in a terminal and typing the following command:.

tar -xvf WordPress-installer-3.6.


4. Change to the WordPress folder.

To change to the WordPress folder, on Windows, you can open the installer file and click the “Set Path” button. On Mac and Linux, you can open the installer file and type the following command:.

cd WordPress-installer-3.0

5. Launch the WordPress installer.

To launch the WordPress installer, on Windows, you can double-click the installer file. On Mac and Linux, you can launch the installer by typing the following command:.


6. Select your language and location. The WordPress installer will ask you to select your language and location.

On Windows, you can click the “Next” button to continue. On Mac and Linux, you can continue by clicking the “Next” button.

7. Select your installation type. The WordPress installer will ask you to select your installation type.

8. Select your server. The WordPress installer will ask you to select your server.

9. Select your database. The WordPress installer will ask you to select your database.

10. Select your theme. The WordPress installer will ask you to select your theme.

11. Enter your administrator password. The WordPress installer will ask you to enter your administrator password. On Mac and Linux, you can continue by entering the password that you set when you created your AWS account.

12. Review the configuration options.

The WordPress installer will generate a configuration file for you. On Windows, you can click the “Finish” button to finish the installation. On Mac and Linux, you can close the installer file by typing the following command:.

13. Enable the WordPress firewall.

You will need to enable the WordPress firewall before you can use the WordPress platform.

14. Access your WordPress site.

To access your WordPress site, on Windows, you can open the website address that you set when you created your AWS account. On Mac and Linux, you can open the website address by typing the following command:.


15. Log in to your WordPress site.

To log in to your WordPress site, on Windows, you can open the website address that you set when you created your AWS account.


16. Change your password.

To change your password, on Windows, you can open the website address that you set when you created your AWS account.
