How Do I Install WordPress HubSpot Tracking Code?

How to Install WordPress HubSpot Tracking Code

If you’re looking to add tracking code to your WordPress website, you can do so by installing the HubSpot WordPress tracking code plugin. Once installed, you’ll be able to add the tracking code to any page of your website, and track all of your website’s traffic data.

To install the HubSpot WordPress tracking code plugin, click the “Add a Plugin” button on the WordPress admin page, and search for “HubSpot WordPress tracking code.” Once you’ve found the plugin, click the “Install” button to download and install it.

Once the plugin is installed, you’ll need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress website. To do this, open the HubSpot WordPress tracking code plugin’s settings page, and click the “Tracking Code” tab.

Next, add the tracking code for your website’s website address (for example, www.example.

com). You can also add any custom tracking code you want, if you want to track different data than traffic data.

Finally, click the “Save Changes” button to save your changes to the plugin’s settings. Now, your WordPress website will automatically track all of its traffic data using the HubSpot tracking code plugin.

If you have any questions about how to install or use the HubSpot WordPress tracking code plugin, don’t hesitate to contact us at