How Do I Import a WordPress Site Backup?

If you have a WordPress site that you want to move to a new server, or you just want to make a backup, you can import your site backup. The process of importing a WordPress site backup is simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, you’ll need to download the WordPress backup plugin and install it on your new server. The plugin will create a .

tar.gz file containing your site’s content and all the files associated with it.

Second, you’ll need to copy the .tar.gz file to your new server. The easiest way to do this is to use the FTP client that’s included with your server.

Once you have the .gz file on your new server, you can unpick it using the tar command.

Third, you’ll need to create a new WordPress site on your new server. Once you have the new site up and running, you can import your site backup by following the instructions on the plugin’s website.