How Do I Import a Post Featured Image in WordPress?

If you would like to include a featured image in your post, you will first need to import it into WordPress. There are a few ways to do this:

1. Upload the image to your WordPress site using a file manager or FTP program.

2. Copy the URL of the image file into the “Post Footer” field in your WordPress site’s “Settings” page.

3. Use the “Add Media” button on the post editor toolbar to upload the image.

4. Use the “Media Library” plugin to add the image from a remote location.

5. Use the “Media Library” plugin to add the image from a gallery on your site.

Once you have imported the image, you can use it in your posts the same way you would use any other image. You can insert it into your posts using the “Image” widget on the post editor toolbar, or you can use the “Image” plugin to automatically insert the image into your posts.