How Do I Hide Unnecessary From WordPress Admin Without Plugins?

If you want to hide unnecessary content from the WordPress admin area without using any plugins, there are a few things you can do. First, you can use the shortcodes provided by WordPress itself.

These shortcodes allow you to insert content into any post or page, so you can easily hide any content you don’t want visitors to see.

You can also use the custom post type functionality provided by WordPress. This allows you to create a custom post type for any purpose, and then add content to that post type without affecting any other posts or pages.

You can also use custom taxonomies to organize your content, so you can easily hide any content that you don’t want to see.

Overall, there are a variety of ways to hide content from the WordPress admin area without using any plugins. If you’re looking to hide unnecessary content without any extra work, these are some of the best methods available.