How Do I Hide Post Categories in WordPress?

When creating a new post, WordPress automatically assigns it a category, usually based on the content. However, you might want to hide certain categories from being displayed on the front-end of your website.

You can do this by editing the post’s category settings.

To find the post’s category settings, locate the post’s menu icon (it’s usually in the top left corner of your screen) and click on it. This will open the post’s settings page.

On the right-hand side of the page, you’ll see a list of categories. To hide a category from being displayed on the front-end of your website, simply click on the “Hide from front end” link next to the category you want to hide.

When you’re finished hiding categories, click on the “Save changes” button at the bottom of the page. WordPress will move the hidden category to the “Hidden categories” category on the post’s settings page.

To unhide a category, simply click on the “Show from front end” link next to the category you want to show.

Finally, to conclude, remember that you can also add custom post types to your WordPress site. This will allow you to create posts that don’t fall into any of the predefined categories.

This can be a great way to hide specific types of posts from the front-end of your website.