How Do I Hide Page Entry Title in WordPress?

In today’s digital world, it’s difficult to keep track of what’s private and what’s public. This is especially true when it comes to personal information, such as your page entry title.

WordPress makes it easy to hide your page entry title by using the wp_title() function.

To hide your page entry title in WordPress, you first need to create a custom post type. Then, add the following code to your custom post type’s functions.php file:

function wp_title() { return esc_attr(get_the_title()); }

Now, whenever you use the wp_title() function in your posts and pages, it will return the custom post type’s title instead of the page entry title. This way, your page entry title will remain private and hidden from the public eye.


Hiding your page entry title in WordPress is a simple way to keep your personal information private. By using the wp_title() function, you can easily change the title returned by WordPress whenever you use the wp_title() function.

This way, only people who are authorized to view your custom post type will see the custom title, and the page entry title will remain hidden from the public.