How Do I Hide My WordPress Site While Developing?

If you want to develop your WordPress site in peace, you’ll need to find a way to hide it from your users. There are a few different ways to do this, and each has its own pros and cons.

The most basic way to hide your WordPress site is to use a dummy web server. This will create a separate web address for your WordPress site, which will be inaccessible to your users. This is the simplest way to hide your site, but it has a few drawbacks.

First, it can be difficult to set up, and it can be time-consuming to maintain. Second, if your site becomes popular, it may become difficult to keep track of all the different web addresses.

Another way to hide your WordPress site is to use a proxy server. This will allow you to create an anonymous web address for your WordPress site, which will be hidden from your users.

However, proxy servers are less reliable than dummy servers, and they can be more difficult to set up and use.

The final way to hide your WordPress site is to use a VPN. This will encrypt your traffic, and will make it difficult for your users to track your location.

However, VPNs are more complex to use than proxy servers, and they can be more expensive.

Ultimately, the best way to hide your WordPress site is to use a combination of methods. Use a dummy server to create a separate web address, use a proxy server to anonymize your traffic, and use a VPN to protect your privacy.