How Do I Hide Author in WordPress Post?

There are a few ways to hide the author of a WordPress post. One way is to use the post’s slug.

To do this, enter the post’s slug into the “Short Title” field when you create the post, and then enter “by [your name]” in the “by” field. This will display the author’s name next to the post’s title in the WordPress post browser. .

Another way to hide the author of a WordPress post is to use the “no author” option when you create the post. This will display the post’s title and the ” by [your name]” text, but no author’s name.

If you want to hide the author of a post but still want to be able to contact the author should you have questions or need assistance with the post, you can add a contact form to the post. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the “Posts” menu in the WordPress admin area and click on “Add New.”

2. Enter the post’s title in the “Title” field, and then click on the “Create” button.

3. On the “Add New Page” screen, click on the “Contact Forms” tab.

4. In the “Forms” section of the screen, click on the “Add New” button.

5. In the “Form Type” drop-down list, select “Contact Form.”


7. On the “Add New Page” screen, click on the “Forms” tab.


9. In the “Form Name” field, enter the post’s slug.

10. In the “Form Subject” field, enter a subject for the contact form.

11. In the “Form Body” field, enter your contact information.

12. Click on the “Update” button to save the changes to the contact form.

13. Click on the “Publish” button to publish the changes to the post.

14. Click on the “Contact Me” link on the post’s main screen to open the contact form.

15. Click on the “Send” button to send the contact form to the post’s author.

16. If you want to add additional contact information, such as a website address where the author can provide more information about the post, you can enter this information in the “Additional Info” field.


12. Click on the “Update” button to.