How Do I Get to the Author Page in WordPress?

If you want to get to the author page in WordPress, you first need to go to the Settings page in your WordPress admin area. In the Settings page, you will need to click on “Pages” in the left-hand column. On the Pages page, you will see a list of all of your WordPress blog posts. Hover your mouse over the post that you want to get to the author page for and you will see a “Publish this post” button appears. Click on the “Publish this post” button and you will be taken to the “Publish” page for that post.

On the “Publish” page, you will see a “Author” tab. Click on the “Author” tab and you will be taken to the “Author” page for that post. On the “Author” page, you will see the “Author” information for that post. You can also click on the “Edit author info” link to edit the author information for that post.