How Do I Get to 404 Page in WordPress?

If you are seeing the 404 page on your WordPress website, it is likely that you have not followed one of the best WordPress security practices: setting up a secure password. This is a common problem because WordPress makes it easy for users to create passwords that are easy to remember but difficult to crack.

The best way to avoid this problem is to set up a secure password for your WordPress site. You can do this by creating a strong password and storing it in a secure location such as a password manager.

You can also set up two-factor authentication (2FA) to further protect your site. If you have not set up a secure password, you can follow these steps to get to the 404 page:.

1. Verify that you are using the correct login credentials.

2. Reset your password if you have not used it in a while.

3. Check your security settings.

4. Enable 2FA if you have not already done so.

5. Change your password if it is not secure.

6. Use a strong password.

7. Store your password in a secure location.

8. Use a password manager to keep your passwords safe.

9. Use 2FA if available.

10. Follow these best practices for securing your WordPress site.