How Do I Get the Post Category Thumbnail Image in WordPress?

When you create a new post in WordPress, the post category thumbnail image is displayed as part of the post’s overall thumbnail. However, if you want to change the thumbnail image for a specific post category, you’ll need to follow a few steps.

First, you’ll need to access the post’s edit screen. This can be done by clicking the post’s title in the Blogroll or by clicking the post’s icon in the WordPress toolbar.

Once you’re on the post’s edit screen, you’ll need to click the “thumbnail” tab. From here, you’ll be able to select the post category you want to change the thumbnail for.

Once you’ve selected the post category, you’ll need to click the “edit” button next to the thumbnail image. This will open the post’s thumbnail editing screen. From here, you’ll need to click the “change” link next to the category’s thumbnail image. This will take you to the post’s media library.

From here, you’ll need to select the appropriate image file. Once you’ve selected the file, you’ll need to click the “save changes” button.

Finally, you’ll need to re-publish the post. This can be done by clicking the “publish” button on the post’s edit screen or by clicking the “publish post” button in the WordPress toolbar.