How Do I Get the Menu Array in WordPress?

If you want to add a menu to your WordPress website, there are a few different ways to go about it. The easiest way is to use the built-in WordPress menus. To add a menu, go to your WordPress website’s administration area, click on “Appearance” in the left-hand menu, and then click on “Menus.” You’ll see a list of all the menus on your website. Click on the menu you want to add a menu to, and then click on the “Add New Menu” button. You can give your new menu a name, and then copy the code that appears in the “Menu Item” box. You can then paste this code into your WordPress website’s header or footer, or anywhere else you want your new menu to appear. To add a sub-menu to your new menu, simply add a comma after the first “item” in the code. You can also add “item slugs” to your menu items. These are short, unique identifiers for your menu items. For example, you could add “blog” as an item slug to your menu, and then create a menu item with the identifier “blogging.” You can then use this item slug when you create your menu items.

You can also add “item link” tags to your menu items. These tags tell WordPress which pages on your website should display your menu items. You can add as many “item link” tags as you want. You can also add “item link” tags to your menu items.