How Do I Get the Featured Image in WordPress Code?

Adding a featured image to your WordPress blog is a great way to give your readers a snapshot of what’s going on inside your site. It also helps to emphasize certain sections of your content, and can even help to attract attention from search engines.

There are a few different ways to add a featured image to your blog. The most common method is to use the WordPress media uploader to upload a JPEG or PNG image directly to your blog.

You can also use a plugin like WP Image slider to add an image slider to your blog.

If you don’t want to use the media uploader or the image slider, you can use the Featured Image shortcode to add a featured image to your posts. Just add the following code to the bottom of your post, and WordPress will automatically add a featured image to your post:

[featured_image size=”large” src=”http://www.yourblog.

com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/featured-image-1.jpg” alt=”Your blog’s featured image” style=”border:0;” />].

If you want to add a featured image to a post but don’t have access to the WordPress media uploader or the image slider, you can use the featured image URL shortcode. Just add the following code to the bottom of your post, and WordPress will automatically add the featured image’s URL to the post:

[featured_image src=”http://www.

If you want to add a featured image to a post but don’t have access to the WordPress media uploader or the featured image URL shortcode, you can use the WordPress Featured Image widget. Just add the widget to your blog, and WordPress will automatically add a Featured Image widget to the post.

Just drag and drop the Featured Image widget onto your post, and WordPress will automatically add the featured image’s URL to the post.