How Do I Get Rid of Unused WordPress Plugins?

If you are finding that you have a lot of plugins that you no longer need or use, there are a few ways to get rid of them.

The first option is to deactivate the plugin. To do this, go to the plugin’s page on WordPress.

com and click on the “Deactivate” link next to the plugin’s name. This will remove the plugin from your site, but it will not delete it.

The second option is to remove the plugin from your site manually. To do this, go to the plugins folder on your site and delete the plugin folder.

The third option is to remove the plugin from your site using a plugin removal tool. There are a few plugin removal tools available, including The Uninstaller and WP Smush. To use these tools, go to the plugin’s page on WordPress.

com and click on the “Remove” link next to the plugin’s name.

Finally, the last option is to delete the plugin using a plugin deletion tool. There are a few plugin deletion tools available, including The Uninstaller and WP Smush.

com and click on the “Delete” link next to the plugin’s name. This will delete the plugin from your site, but it will not delete it.