How Do I Get Post Pagination in WordPress?

Post pagination is a common feature on websites that allow users to view a list of posts in sequence. When a user clicks on a post in the pagination list, the post will be displayed in full.

If the user clicks on a post that is beyond the post’s pagination limit, the post will be displayed with a “Next Page” link, and the user will be prompted to select a new page number.

There are a few ways to get post pagination in WordPress. The easiest way is to use the built-in pagination feature. To do this, you will first need to create a custom post type.

Then, you will need to add a pagination template to your post type. The pagination template will include all of the code necessary to create a pagination list.

If you want to create your own pagination template, you can use a pagination plugin. However, you will need to be aware of the plugin’s limitations.

For example, some pagination plugins do not support post types that have custom taxonomies.