How Do I Get Post by Category Name in WordPress?

If you want to get posts by category name in WordPress, there are a few methods you can use. The simplest way is to go to the Posts screen in the WordPress admin area, and click on the Categories link in the left sidebar.

You’ll see a list of all the categories in your site, and you can select one to display the posts in that category.

You can also use the Categories widget to display a list of the posts in a specific category on your blog. To do this, go to the Widgets area in the WordPress admin area, and click on the Categories widget.

On the widget page, click on the Add New Widget button, and select the Categories option. Then, enter the name of the category you want to display the posts in, and click on the Save button.

Finally, you can use the category tags feature to get a list of all the posts in a specific category that have been tagged with a specific keyword. To do this, go to the Posts screen in the WordPress admin area, and click on the Tags link in the left sidebar.

You’ll see a list of all the tags in your site, and you can select one to display the posts in that tag category. Then, enter the keyword you want to search for, and click on the Search Posts button to display the posts that have been tagged with that keyword.