How Do I Get My Twitter Feed on My WordPress Website?

Twitter is a popular social networking site where users can post short messages called “tweets.” Twitter is integrated with many popular web browsers and platforms, including the WordPress blogging platform.

To get your Twitter feed on your WordPress blog, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Twitter account.

2. Click on “Settings” in the top right corner of the Twitter page.

3. Click on “Pages.”

4. Click on “Add a page.”

5. In the “Name” field, type “Your WordPress Blog.”

6. In the “Description” field, type a brief description of your blog.

7. In the “URL” field, type the URL of your blog.

8. In the “Twitter ID” field, type the Twitter ID of the person or account you want to include on your blog.

9. In the “Privacy” field, select “Public.”

10. Click on “Create page.”

11. In the “Include on this blog” box, select “Your WordPress Blog.”

12. Click on “Save changes.”

13. Your Twitter feed will now be included on your blog.

14. If you want to remove a tweet from your blog, click on the tweet and then click on the “Remove from blog” button.