How Do I Fix a Broken Image Link in WordPress?

Broken Image Links in WordPress
If you notice that some of your images are broken and linking to the wrong image, you may need to fix the image link in WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to do that.

Before you begin, make sure you have the latest version of WordPress and the wp_link_pages function enabled.

To fix a broken image link in WordPress, you will first need to find the image URL. To do this, you can use the wp_get_image_url() function.

This function will return the full URL to the image, including the filename.

Once you have the URL, you need to use the wp_link_pages() function to fix the image link. This function will replace the broken image link with a correct one.

To use this function, you will first need to determine the page ID of the page that contains the broken image. You can get this ID using the get_page_by_title() function.

Once you have the page ID, you can use the wp_link_pages() function to fix the image link. To do this, you will need to pass the page ID as an argument.

The wp_link_pages() function will then use the get_template_part() function to find the correct template file and use that file to create the image link.

If you are having trouble fixing the image link, you may need to disable the wp_link_pages() function and use the old method of linking to images. To do this, you can use the wp_add_image() function.

This function will add a link to the WordPress media library that you can use to link to the image.