How Do I Find Unused Media in WordPress?

If you’re looking for unused media in WordPress, you’re in luck. There are a few different ways to find it, and each has its own pros and cons.

The first way is to use the Media Library. This is the default media manager in WordPress, and it’s easy to use.

You can browse through all the media on your site, and find any files that are unused or unused in specific contexts.

However, the Media Library is limited. You can’t search for specific files, and it doesn’t allow you to delete or export media.

The second way to find unused media is to use the Media Library plugin. This plugin allows you to search for unused media, export it, and delete it.

However, the Media Library plugin is more expensive than the default Media Library, and it’s not as comprehensive.

The third way to find unused media is to use the Media Library plugin and the Media Library Manager plugin.

However, this plugin is more expensive than the Media Library plugin and the Media Library Manager plugin.

The final way to find unused media is to use the Media Library plugin and the Media Library Manager plugin and the Media Library Export plugin.

All of these methods have their own pros and cons. The Media Library is the easiest to use, but it’s limited.

The Media Library plugin is more expensive, but it’s more comprehensive. The Media Library Manager plugin and the Media Library Export plugin are more expensive, but they’re more comprehensive and they allow you to delete unused media.