How Do I Find the Specific Category of a Widget in WordPress?

Finding the specific category of a widget in WordPress can be a bit confusing. However, there are a few methods you can use to find the category of a widget.

1. Use the widget search bar.

The widget search bar is located in the Widgets area of the WordPress admin area. This area contains a list of all the available widgets.

To find the category of a widget, simply enter the name of the widget in the search bar and click on the “Find” button. The widget category will be displayed next to the “Search Results” button.

2. Use the widget catalogue.

The widget catalogue is a list of all the available widget categories. To access the widget catalogue, click on the “Widgets” menu item located in the main menu of the WordPress admin area.

The widget catalogue will be displayed in a new window. To find the category of a widget, enter the name of the widget in the “Search” field and click on the “Find” button.

The widget category will be displayed next to the “Search Results” button.

3. Use the plugin search bar.

The plugin search bar is located in the Plugins area of the WordPress admin area. This area contains a list of all the available plugins.

To find the category of a widget, enter the name of the widget in the search bar and click on the “Find” button.