How Do I Find the Registration Date of a WordPress User?

Finding the registration date of a WordPress user can be a challenging process. There are a number of ways to go about it, but the most reliable way is to use the wp_users table. To get started, you’ll need to know the user’s WordPress installation ID.

You can find this information by logging in to your website and going to the “Settings” menu. Under “Users,” you’ll see the user’s ID listed next to their username.

Next, you’ll need to access the wp_users table. This table stores all of the user information for a WordPress website, including their registration date.

To access the table, you’ll need to use the SQL query SELECT user_id FROM wp_users. Once you have the user’s ID, you can use the date function to lookup the user’s registration date.

The date function will return a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD. To find the registration date for a specific user, you’ll need to subtract the user’s ID from 2010.

For example, if you want to find the registration date for user ID 96, you would use the query SELECT user_id FROM wp_users WHERE user_id = 96-2010.

Once you have the registration date, you can use it to determine whether the user has upgraded their WordPress installation. If the user has upgraded their WordPress installation, their registration date will be greater than or equal to the date in the wp_users table.

If the user has not upgraded their WordPress installation, their registration date will be less than or equal to the date in the wp_users table.