How Do I Find the Post Author in WordPress?

As a WordPress user, you may have encountered a situation where you need to find the post author of a specific blog post, but you don’t know how to do it. In this article, we’ll show you how to find the post author in WordPress using a few simple steps.

To find the post author in WordPress, first go to the post you want to find the author for, and then click the “Author” link in the footer of the post. This will take you to the post’s author page.

On this page, you’ll see a list of all the blog authors who have written for that post.

If you want to find the post author for a specific blog post, you can use the author’s name or blog URL to find them. For example, if you want to find the author of the post “How to Install WordPress on a New Server,” you would go to the author’s page, and then type in “WordPress” in the “Search terms” field.

This will display all the posts written by the author with the “WordPress” keyword in the title. You can then click on the ” WordPress” link to go to the author’s post.