How Do I Find the Last Query in WordPress?

A WordPress blog is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. However, if you’re like most bloggers, you might occasionally need to find a specific post or page.

Fortunately, WordPress makes it easy to find any post or page in your blog.

To find a specific post or page, follow these steps:

1. Open your blog’s dashboard.

2. Click on the Posts tab.

3. Find the post or page you want to find.

4. Click on the title to open the post or page in its full view.

5. If you need to find a specific comment, post, or attachment, click on the link next to the post’s title.

This will open the post in a new tab or window.

6. Find the comment you’re looking for and click on the link to open it in a new tab or window.

7. Finally, if you need to find a specific post or page in a specific year, month, or day, click on the date icon next to the post’s title.

This will open a calendar window that displays all posts published in that timeframe. Simply click on the post you want to find.