How Do I Find the Filename in WordPress?

If you want to know the filename of a post or page in WordPress, you can use the get_post_thumbnail() function. The function takes an post ID as its only argument and returns the filename for the post’s thumbnail.

To use the get_post_thumbnail() function, you first need to get the post ID. To do this, you can use the get_posts() function, which returns an array of post IDs.

Then, you can use the post_thumbnail() function to get the thumbnail for the given post ID.

The get_post_thumbnail() function returns the filename as a string. To get the post’s actual file contents, you can use the file_get_contents() function.

The get_post_thumbnail() function is located in the wp-includes/post.php file.

The post_thumbnail() function is located in the wp-includes/post-template.