How Do I Find the Database Prefix in WordPress?

Database Prefix in WordPress

Database prefixes in WordPress are a little known but handy feature. They allow you to control where your WordPress files are stored.

By default, WordPress stores files in the wp-content directory. But you can change this if you want by using the WP_CONTENT_DIR WordPress setting.

By default, WordPress sets WP_CONTENT_DIR to the root directory of your WordPress installation. So if you have a WordPress installation on the root of your drive, WordPress stores files in the root directory.

If you have a WordPress installation on a different drive, WordPress stores files in the wp-content directory on that drive.

You can change the WP_CONTENT_DIR setting if you want WordPress to store files somewhere other than the root directory. But you need to know the WordPress database prefix.

The database prefix is the prefix that WordPress appends to all of your WordPress files. So if your WP_CONTENT_DIR setting is set to wp-content/mysite, WordPress stores all of your WordPress files with the prefix mysite.

If you want to find out the database prefix for your WordPress installation, you can use the wp-content/ prefix finder plugin. Or you can use the WP_CONTENT_DIR setting to get the prefix for your current WordPress installation.