How Do I Find the Author Image in WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of web users all over the world. One of the features that makes WordPress so popular is its built-in author image feature.

This feature allows users to add an image of themselves to their posts and pages.

To find your author image in WordPress, first open your WordPress site in your web browser. Then, on the main screen, click on the Posts tab. Next, under the Posts heading, you should see a list of all of your posts. Look for the post that you want to find your author image for, and then click on it.

You will now see the post’s comments page. On the right-hand side of the comments page, you should see a box labelled “Author Image.” Click on this box to view the post’s author image.

If you want to edit the post’s author image, then click on the Edit link next to the Author Image box. You will now be able to modify the post’s author image.