How Do I Find Post Excerpt in WordPress?

When you want to post a excerpt from a post on your website, you can use the WordPress post excerpt function. This function allows you to paste a block of text from a post into your post content area, and it will automatically create a link to the full post.

To use the post excerpt function, first find the post that you want to excerpt. Then, click the “post excerpt” button located near the bottom of the post’s content area.

WordPress will display the block of text that you copied, as well as a link to the full post. You can then use this link to share the excerpt with your followers.

If you want to make changes to the excerpt, you can click on the “edit post” link that is displayed next to the excerpt. This link will take you to the post’s editing page, where you can make any necessary changes.

Finally, if you want to remove the excerpt from your post, you can click on the “remove post excerpt” button. This button will remove the excerpt from your post, and it will also remove the link to the full post.