How Do I Find Only the Custom Post Type in WordPress?

When creating a new post type in WordPress, there are a few ways to go about it. The most common way is to search for the post type in the WordPress admin area, but this can be time consuming if you need to add a new post type for a large website.

The quickest way to find a post type is to use the WP Customizer.

To find the custom post type in the WP Customizer, first open it. Then, click on the Posts tab and enter the post type you are looking for in the Search field.

You can also use the dropdown menu to select a specific post type. Once you have found the post type, click on the activate link to activate it.

Now you can start creating posts for this post type. To change the name of the post type, click on the name of the post type in the left column and enter a new name in the Name field.

To change the default settings for this post type, click on the Edit link next to the General tab.