How Do I Find My WordPress Path?

Paths are a big part of WordPress, and they’re something that you’ll use a lot when working with WordPress. You’ll use paths to navigate around the WordPress file system, and to find specific files and folders.

Paths are stored in the wp-config.php file.

You can access paths by loading the file into a text editor and looking for the path() function. The following code shows how to find the path to the wp-config.php file:.


The path() function will return the path to the wp-config.php file, which in this example would be “./wp-config.


You can also use the path() function to find specific files and folders. For example, you can use the path() function to find the file that contains the WordPress installation information. The following code shows how to find the file that contains the WordPress installation information:


The path() function will return the path to the file that contains the WordPress installation information, which in this example would be “.