How Do I Find My WordPress Access Log?

If you’re looking for your WordPress access log, you can find it in your WordPress admin area. To access the admin area, log in to your site, click on the “wp-admin” button in the toolbar at the top of the screen, and then click on the “Access Log” link in the left-hand sidebar.

The access log will show you a list of all the users who have accessed your site, as well as the date and time of their visits. You can also view the logs for specific posts or pages, or for all sites on your WordPress server.

If you need to find specific information in your access log, such as the IP address of a user who logged in to your site, you can use the “Logger” tool in the WordPress admin area. This tool will show you a list of all the requests made by users who logged in to your site, and the response codes that were returned.

You can also use the “Security” section of the WordPress admin area to search for specific words or phrases in your access logs. This feature is helpful if you need to find a specific attack that occurred on your site, or if you need to find a lost password request.